Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction

Thank you for engaging with AVC Design Subscriptions ("we," "us," or "our") and for considering our design and advertising services.

Please see the following terms and conditions of the design packages and subscriptions offered by A Varma Creative Pty Ltd, trading as AVC Design Subscription.

Design: The word "design" refers to the intentional and creative process of planning, conceptualizing, and arranging visual elements to communicate a specific message or idea. Graphic design involves the use of various visual elements, such as typography, images, colors, and layout, to create visually appealing and effective communication materials.
Designer: A Graphic Designer assigned to your project.
Package: Design services for a predefined time and cost.
Project: A design request submitted by the client. E.g., Logo design, web design, promotional artwork, etc.
Request: A submission for a new design project, submitted via the client's Trello board or by email to: accounts@avcdesignsubscriptions.com.au.
Subscription: A period of time purchased for design services.
Trello: A project management system. A shared workplace to log and track projects.

2. Service Description

A Varma Creative, trading as AVC Design Subscriptions, provides on-site and remote Graphic Design services. Full list of services can be found at: https://www.avcdesignsubscriptions.com.au/design-subscription#services

3. Workspace

All new subscribers will receive their own Trello board where details of the projects, assets, and communication are kept centeralised.
New requests can be lodged directly via the Trello board.
Trello boards will expire after 12 months of inactivity.

4. Design Requests

Clients are limited to one progressing design request at a time, with unlimited revisions, and unlimited designs during the subscribed period only.

At the end of a subscription, all open projects will be completed to a general presentation standard and will not be open for revision until more design time is purchased.

To initiate a project, clients must complete any required forms, and provide all the necessary information.

Clear and organized instructions, along with creative assets, ensure quicker turnaround times and optimal package value.

Submit new design requests via email to request@avcdesignsubscriptions.com.au or a shared Trello board.

5. Time Frames

Turnaround times:
Average design tasks have a turnaround time of 2-3 business days. More complex tasks, like web design, may take 3-7 business days, with regular updates provided.
Subscription Period:
Each subscription starts when a Trello board invite is sent to the client. If a subscription is renewed, it starts from when a new request has submitted via Trello.
Service Days:
Service subscription days are calendar days and include weekends. Public holidays during your subscription period will be added to the end of your package / subscription.

6. Pause Feature

All packages include a pause feature. If a client's design needs are met before the package expiration, they may contact us to pause the subscription for future use within the same year.

To pause, clients must email accounts@avcdesignsubscriptions.com.au.

7. Subscription Coverage

The subscription covers Graphic Design services and design assets. Subscriptions to external sites and services are not included.

8. Refund Policy

Due to the nature of our work, refunds are not available. Unlimited revisions are offered, so clients are encouraged to utilize various means to effectively communicate their ideas for the desired outcome.

9. Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or requests related to our Terms and Conditions, please contact us to discuss.

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